littlejellyfish's etsy

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It would appear that spray paint was a bad choice.  After painstakingly putting layer upon layer of glue soaked newspaper on my recycled cardboard frame.... I tried to take the easy way out and spray paint it white instead of just painting it like a normal person.  SPRAY PAINT IS NOT YOUR FRIEND.  It dried out the paper and made it curl and buckle in a few places.  Just a few places?  No big deal?  Well if you have children, then you get what I'm trying to say here.

Imagine a perfect wall... its got some neato wall paper that you wouldn't have thought would be cool, but it somehow works out and you cant imagine anything better than this random, awesome, wall paper.  Oh and its the last of the wall paper, there's no more.  Just to put things in perspective.  Put a 3 year old in that amazing room and she'll find a little corner that is kinda lifting up.  Just a little.  You couldn't have noticed it maybe, but she can.  And she'll peel it.  She'll peel off the whole damn wall..  And then she'll ask what happened.

So there are a few places on the cradle that are imperfect.  They need to be sealed with I don't know what.  I feel so bad, I wanted it done by the time we went camping.  Then I wanted it done by the time we had her second party, with her grandparents who live up here.  I am feeling a bit defeated, and haven't tried anything besides peeling a bit off to see what kind of damage it will be up against.  It's not looking good.  I just so baldy want to finish this thing.  If I had some extra cash, I would buy some modge podge and seal it and paint it in one night.

Maddy got a ton of Hello Kitty stuff for her birthday, but very few toys.  I almost want to buy her something, not that she needs anything.  Mostly what she got were clothes.  Nail polish, a back pack... its not really age appropriate for a 3 year old.  It was all Hello Kitty, she screamed with joy.  But she's ONLY 3.  I would like to see her face light up when she sees her new tea set, not her new Hello Kitty lipstick.  A cradle for her dolls is something she both needs and would be able to play with.  Thats kind of my explanation for feeling so awful that I haven't finished it for her.  I feel like an asshole for not getting my kid a toy.  What she really wants is a kitten (she wants to name it 'hello kitty') but Honey's allergies and my commitment to change only Charlie's diapers or a litter box, not both, prevents that.
Its my duty as a parent to post embarrassing pictures of her.  Happy Birthday Hello Kitty (Madeline) 

Top it all off, I've misplaced my battery charger for my camera so I cant upload any of the pictures I took for Maddy's party, ebay, etsy and this blog.  DAMN!  and I can forget trying to sell our old kitchen table on craigslist.  No pictures, no deal.... and I am using it as a garden table and don't want to give it up.  More on that next time.

I'll be back in a week with a freshly charged camera (thanks ebay) and a ton of pictures and stories to go with them.  well maybe not a ton.  but at least 2 decent adventures of me trying to be a parent and an artistic human at the same time.

Oh and be sure to check out this guys blog:  You can see the custom Hello Kitty painting Madeline got for her birthday as well as some sweet original art.  He also tattoos, so if you are in the Chico area, stop by Sacred Art Tattoo and say hi!